Monday, January 03, 2011

What Shall The Church Be in 2011?

2 Corinthians 4:6-10
For it is the God who once said, "Let light shine out of darkness," who has made his light shine in our hearts, the light of the knowledge of God's glory shining in the face of the Messiah Yeshua. But we have this treasure in clay jars, so that it will be evident that such overwhelming power comes from God and not from us. We have all kinds of troubles, but we are not crushed; we are perplexed, yet not in despair; persecuted, yet not abandoned; knocked down, yet not destroyed. We always carry in our bodies the dying of Yeshua, so that the life of Yeshua may be manifested in our bodies too.

I heard a vision-message Sunday that ended with this scripture.  It was an excellent, well-thought-out, prayed through, detailed vision.  But as I listened to this passionate man of God, I wondered how many seated in the congregation were thinking, "Well, that doesn't have to do with me.  I'm not called to do that.  Surely, God doesn't require ME to do THAT!"  I have heard many visions through the years by various ministry leaders in the Christian realm, and very few have been fulfilled.  Just as I have heard many New Years resolutions by people, and seen very few fulfilled.  2011 should be the year we actually fulfill this scripture.  No more blurred lines; no more diversions; no more games; no more distractions; no more malaise; no more lethargy!!

WAKE UP BRIDE OF CHRIST!! Act like you love Him and would do anything for Him!! Worship Him like the people of God you are meant to be!!  Worship Him with enthusiasm, worship Him with your life!! Contend for the lost and the dieing; the forgotten and abandoned; the untouchables and the dissolute!!

Every believer is called to GO and minister. Jesus says to take up our cross and follow Him. What do you think that means? Does it mean to follow Him to your comfortable church building on Sunday morning and sit in your comfy pew or on your cozy chair?  Should we merely hug a few of those people we like, have a few passing, self-absorbed words about what's been going on with ourselves.  All the while ignoring any new-comers that may wonder in because they are not 'one of us'?  Or at best, a brief, "hi how are you?", as you walk right passed them to get to your favorite buddy, since of course, the last time they were there or any other 'newbie', you were the one who stopped and chatted with them, so someone else can be nice this time.  Shall we sing a few songs in monotone voices while maybe standing or maybe sitting, and maybe clap our hands or even raise them once or twice, then listen to a "good" message, and go back home?

Help us Lord!!!  Break off that religious mindset and reform your church to be the Bride you call us to be!!!

Convict us Holy Spirit.  For we have grieved You, sweet Jesus, by what we have done to Your church; the church You left Your majesty in Heaven for, and brutally sacrificed Yourself for.  Your church is not a place to go and hang out in for awhile, we are Your church designed specifically to carry Your light to Your world.  Help us, Father, to fulfill our mission.  The very reason You molded us into light carrying vessels.   
As the church we are all earthen vessels; cracked pots from the circumstances of our lives.  But we all have been called out to be a royal priesthood, a chosen people. We are filled with His light. We are not chosen and filled with light to make our vessel appear brighter for us to boast of, or to live comfortable lives because we are saved and can call ourselves a "Christian".  We are not vessels filled to contain the light for ourselves or only share with whom we decide merits the portion we can spare.  We are simple clay jars filled with the glorious, powerful light of God to shine upon those who have no light.  To shine in the darkest places.  To shine on all those around us that are unlovely but whom are aching to be loved.
Christ in you, the hope of Glory!  BE IT!!!